Stupidity is on the rise, stupidity is in the majority, stupidity is growing powerful. Pseudo-Modernism , the impulsive daughter of Post-Modernism, is giving birth to fruits it doesn't want to but does non-the-less. It is like a cliff that you see from a long distance, your mind is dragged over and in that flight over the precipice a boy's choir serenades your descent.
We know we must stop, we must turn back, we know it, but we are too bored to be wise. Our ancient bellicose ghosts demand we dance naked into the fray. Sensible means sitting in a library. Sensible means socialism. Sensible means curbing all native anger. Sensible means sober. The Neo-Cortex is eons ahead of the Limbic, and that's our tragedy. If we could only cut the out the spear-throwing legacy. Maybe in the future we can. Maybe we get to the future. Maybe the future will look on us as wayward life, maybe it will throw disdain as we do of the sad primitive Neanderthal. See how easy condescension is. But I would rather be known a snob than a fool, any day.
Yes we want action, we want drama, we want the fight, we want war. All the ancient causes are in us. Yet we also know how we should arrange things, how, practically, we should arrange things. Yet every generation proves how what is sensible, rational, enlightened, Apollonian is instead jettisoned because of a rush of blood, because of the promise of mayhem, a thing which sits deep in everyone's soul.
At the centre of that bay of blood is the excuse of it - stupidity. It is possible to excuse drunkeness, sloth, perversion, delay and the other failures as a part of the condition. But stupidity, and I state this without any sense of the relativity of the term, is a thing that shows us how far in the future we can go but how far in the past we are strung. And it is the one thing that can eclipse us all, despite our genius and our advance. One act of stupidity can destroy a generation of brilliant gifts. Is that supposed to be our epitaph? Oh do we not have some duty to the cosmos that made us? Oh help us, if it's all to no purpose. And even then, surely the wise arrangement is better than the fool's. But we cannot control this primitive brain. We lust with this primitive body. We burn with primitive heart. Despite what we know yet we long for pillage. Despite our genius yet we destroy ourselves.
In this age we have abandoned all propriety. But I have heard that said in history books. So then it is a generational question. How can we hope to conquer our primitive inheritance. Here is what I say. And only you in posterity can say how close to the mark I am: First, the future of intelligence must not depend on Homo-Sapiens. Second that intelligence cannot be restrained by the bi-pedal and all it's primitive heredity. Third, that intelligence in it's greatest is least constrained by the corporeal - this is no modern idea but rather Platonic. Fourth, that such an intelligence would understand that life has no meaning and no purpose but that in spite of these things a thinking mind would always prefer the superior to the inferior. Fifth, and last, that the thinking mind will always look out to the greater good.
Freedom is the prime point. It gives sanctuary to the stupid, and flame to the noble. We used to have a world were the arrangement was thus: the stupid could have their day, but the smart would rule. For the life of me I couldn't see the problem there. But now we set our standards so that all is equal. I ask, what finer example of stupidity can there be?
We have a right to examine the world and so by proxy examine ourselves. Yet the the moneymen want beer and circuses. Not because we would examine their fraudulent model, but because it would make us more the thinker and less the consumer, and that would not suit their interests. When will we realize the our enemies are the rich who wish to keep all our hearts and souls in the thralldom of money. When will we realize that that enlightened state is the one which is long on ideas and short on things. Ah but you, in posterity, I hope to all you exist, you know because you are less physical than we. The elite is not our enemy, the enemy is the addiction of money and unchecked greed. Money is an addiction like Nicotine or Cocaine. I don't expect all the sodding proletariat, the great un-hosed, to be sophisticated. I just want a society free of the thralldom and mercenary grubbiness of money.
It splits the heart and it galls to know where we should be going, and to know that where we are going are in two different directions. Yet are we not an ironic species!? Failure is mixed in with success at every turn. The soul wants to soar, the mind wants stimulation yet animals we are. Well then let the stupid have their bones and their day, but please let them never rule. I am sure that you in posterity would never let the stupid anywhere near a tool of power. I am confident that you in posterity all set a high bar. And that you all understand the proviso that one must prefer the superior to the inferior.
Now I address you of today. Let me concretize it thus. Because you are stupid, you vote against you're own best interest. Because you're stupid you fail to read the wind. Because you're stupid you fail to understand irony. Because you're stupid you grasp on the crest without knowing which way the current goes. Because you're stupid you won't even know the moment you're 'movement' collapses under the weight of it's own implosion. Because you're stupid you won't even know what it is to have power. Because you don't have the mettle, you will fail.
But some how, we will survive to you in posterity. Somehow we will, I'm confident. I am certain it will be the hard way, I'm certain it will be in spite of all the selfish interests. Of all the ungenerous and unfeeling, unpitying, racist, bigoted, backward minds, we will overcome.
Hopeful then we must be. Ready to the fight must we be. Tolerant to a good cause. Open to our fellow. But critical of a bad idea. Sharp to mawkish power. Skeptical of authority. And...weary of the power of stupid.
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